Real Estate has been Tony’s main focus since 1991. He established himself quickly as one to watch and in the years that have passed eyes have remained on Tony as an innovator in the field. Key points that Tony is known for are leading the way in technology, community involvement and creating the best experience possible for his clients. Upon meeting Tony you’ll recognize a passion for the industry, knowledge for all things related to Victoria and a warm smile. Don’t let that smile fool you though: Tony is one of the top negotiators there is and has your best interests at heart the entire time. People often ask Tony how he does it all: chair of various boards and committees, host of the CFAX 1070 “The Whole Home show” and serial community volunteerist. The answer is precise time management, an exceptional team and supportive family.
Tony Joe
Call / text: 250-419-7439
Office: Unit 200 – 388 Harbour Road
Victoria, BC V9A 3S1